Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Blog - Page 13


15 Mar 2020

Here is a scientific article about Pilates and lower back pain

Brent D. Anderson, 2005
80% of the population suffers from low back pain at one time or another. Of these, 20% of the population suffer from back pain...


15 Mar 2020

"To achieve the highest level of fulfillment from our abilities in all areas of our lives, we must constantly strive to acquire a strong and healthy body.

The 6 ab series in Pilates

12 Mar 2020

The 6 Abdominals in Pilates series are designed to :

- Strengthen the strength of the abdominal muscles,
- To achieve good body alignment,
- Good core stability while moving...

Creating and inventing new exercises is a real pleasure and an end in itself!

05 Mar 2020

"The acquisition and enjoyment of physical well-being, mental and spiritual peace, are priceless assets to those who possess them...If there is anyone so fortunate today."

Pilates explained to naturopaths

05 Mar 2020

A very interesting article. A better understanding of Pilates to better advise health professionals.

The "C" spine in Pilates

05 Mar 2020

"Good posture helps to maintain healthy joints and spine, as well as providing an energetic and youthful look".

The "C" spine, a term used in Pilates. Why is this...

The benefits of lumbopelvic stabilisation

01 Mar 2020

- Increases the stability of the trunk.
- Preserves the natural curves of the spine, especially in the lumbar region, allowing the abdominal muscles to contract...

Keys to understanding the principle of lumbopelvic stabilisation

24 Feb 2020

To understand and assimilate this principle, it is essential to know and "feel" the distinct shapes of the lumbar spine and pelvis. These positions are :
- the neutral position...

Sport and resilience

20 Feb 2020

A very interesting book by Boris Cyrulnik and Philippe Bouhours: "Sport and Resilience

Here are some very relevant passages:

"Sport and resilience form an original couple, interesting for the...

The Pelvic Belt/Pelvis in Pilates

16 Feb 2020

In Pilates, we give a lot of importance to the pelvic girdle linked to the abdominal centre (Power House or Core) where we need to work on stability. One of the aspects that Joseph Pilates insi...

Physical and mental benefits of Pilates

15 Feb 2020

1 - At the physical level
- Increased flexibility,
- Increased elasticity,
- Improved agility,
- Increase in functional strength,
* Improved physical health,...

The muscles of respiration

15 Feb 2020

The inspiratory and expiratory muscles

1 - The inspiratory muscles
- Sterno-cleido masloídian,
- Scalenes,
- Pectoralis minor and major,
- External intercostals,
* Supracostals,
* D...

Displaying 145-156 of 208 articles

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