Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Impact of meditation (3mn -11mn-22mn-31mn-62mn-2h30)

✨ The impact of meditation ✨

If we meditate on the mind and work seriously, every cell and organ revitalizes to achieve harmony

Here's what kundalini yoga teaches about the effects of meditation depending on its duration.

3 minutes: Affects the electromagnetic field (aura), circulation and blood stability. This means that our physical body is already benefiting, as is our aura, which is vitalized. Only 3 minutes!

11 minutes : The nervous and glandular systems are influenced and begin to send different chemical messages to our body, through our glands.

22 minutes : The three aspects of the mind (negative, positive and neutral) are balanced and begin to work together. This means you begin to live more and more in a state of serenity and neutrality. You're firmly grounded in reality and your mind is sharp and clear.

31 minutes: Allows glands, breath and concentration to affect every cell and rhythm in the body. This allows the psyche through meditation to affect the deeper layers of our being.

62 minutes: Changes the brain's gray matter. The "hidden" subconscious mind and external projections are integrated.

2 ½ hours: Change the psyche in its co-relationships with the surrounding magnetic field, so that the subconscious mind is firmly held in the new pattern by the surrounding universal mind.

Fundamental awareness of kundalini yoga

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