Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Meditation is not thinking about nothing

In the book by Professor Steven Laureys, neurologist and FNRS Research Director, this medical researcher demonstrates for the first time that meditation is good for the brain.

On page 42 of his book, there's a paragraph explaining that meditation isn't about thinking about nothing, and I completely agree with him.

Here's what he writes:

[ .... "I can't cut myself off from the world: meditation isn't for me." Nothing could be further from the truth! (I can confirm this, having been a Meditation Coach from the very beginning).

The aim of meditation is not to cut yourself off from the world and stop thinking about anything, but to be extremely focused (as far as mindfulness meditation is concerned), even if it only lasts a few seconds.
By meditating, you learn to stay focused and become more aware of what's going on around you, (as far as I'm concerned, Meditation Coach, I'd say being in the present moment) by focusing your attention on an object or opening your mind to all the stimuli of the present moment. ]


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