Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

In a longitudinal study of beginner meditators

In his book "La méditation, c'est bon pour le cerveau" (Meditation is good for the brain), neurologist and FNRS research director Steven Laureys writes on page 76 : Le cerveau en pleine méditation (The brain in meditation). 

"It is possible to influence one's psychological well-being by practicing mental training. "

Excerpt from the book, page 76:

 [In a longitudinal study with novice meditators who had taken an eight-week course in mindfulness meditation, various MRI scans revealed that participants had less gray matter in the right amygdala, which could be a sign of less stressful experiences or greater resilience in the face of them.

The results of a study conducted by Tania Singer in Berlin are even more convincing. They show changes in the networks that vary according to the type of meditation (mindfulness, perspective-taking and altruistic love). This means that you can influence your own psychological well-being through mental training. If you take charge of your health by deciding to move more, why not take charge of your psychological health by doing some mental training?

Meditation may not be a magic wand, but certain exercises can change the structure of your gray matter and its connections, with beneficial repercussions on your social, emotional and psychological life. ]


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