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Meditation and creative minds (David Lynch)

In neurologist Steven Laureys' book, page 126 describes the effects of meditation on the mind.

You'll see why meditation develops creative minds.

"According to director David Lynch, only meditation allows him to dive in and catch the "big fish" he uses as ingredients for his films and music. We also count many other meditative creative minds such as Yoko Ono, Leonard Cohen, Richard Gère, Moby and Jack Kerouac.

And, as mentioned above, the author Yuval Harare is also a fervent believer in vipassana meditation (which is an exploration of reality from all angles, but also an exploration of oneself and one's inner world. The aim of this technique is to purify the mind, eliminate tension and replace negative thoughts with positive ones).

Yuval Harari links the quality and content of his works to his meditation exercises. And these are not empty words. Studies show that a well-developed capacity for observation is a reliable precursor to creativity.

This ability is further enhanced by open-mindedness meditation, and improves not only working memory, but also cognitive flexibility, all essential ingredients in the creative process.

An interesting meta-analysis looked at the link between creativity and mindfulness. Twenty articles written on the subject were examined. But we still need to know how to measure creativity. Researchers say that "thinking differently" is a crucial aspect. A person who can easily think differently is able to formulate a greater number of new ideas. Often, this quantity of new ideas also leads to more creative solutions. The researchers conclude that people who do mindfulness exercises seem to have more ideas than non-meditators."


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