Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Does meditation slow down the aging process?

On page 113 of Steven Laureys' book, Meditation is good for the brain, he explains the influence of meditation on aging.

 " Does meditation slow down the aging process? Buddha is said to have reached the age of 85, which, in the 5th century BC, was a blessed age in India.
was a blessed age in India. Some two and a half thousand years later, scientists discovered that ageing led to a loss of grey matter. We have seen that, for a man in his seventies, our meditation expert Matthieu Ricard still had a lot of grey matter.

Is it possible, then, that we can live longer thanks to meditation? Over the past decade, various studies have shown that meditation offers potential protection against the loss of grey matter. Alas, the results show only a correlation, and we cannot yet speak of a causal link. So, for the moment, there is too little evidence to answer this question conclusively.

Christophe Lorreyte, Tangram meditation coach (Meditation from the origins, an introspection. Summarized as an internal shower) and Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. He was my coach for 10 months.

He has a different approach to aging and meditation 

Aging well by meditating: a winning bet. For all retired people.

Thanks to meditation, you develop strengths such as patience, tolerance, listening and compassion.
When you meditate, you feel connected to the world with growing intensity. You vibrate with positivity and share your well-being with those around you.

Your spirit soars and your loved ones feel it with great enthusiasm.

You can take advantage of this new enthusiasm to explore the part of yourself that you sometimes neglect as you get older.

Your libido will feel better thanks to meditation.

Among other things, meditation means taking a step back from your life, taking the time to rethink.
Of course, meditation isn't the only habit you need to adopt to age well, as you also need to look after your health: a healthy diet to maintain a balanced weight, exercise to the level of your ability, good sleep, activities and food for the soul (reading, films...) will help you to blossom and connect with your true nature.


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