Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Introducing your children to meditation for their well-being

Meditation for children in Béziers

Meditation and children

Meditation is not just for the benefits for children!

Meditation is a simple technique that can be learned at any age. Even children have the right to meditate... Especially when we know that the sources of annoyance of children are as important as those of adults.

What is meditation?

Scientists have recognized meditation as a source of benefits.
10 minutes of meditation per day brings physical and psychological benefits that doctors, researchers and psychologists have highlighted.

Meditation is all about paying attention to your breath, sounds, smells and body sensations. The mind will thus be freed from incessant thoughts and negative emotions. It is a better quality of life that we propose to you simply by the means of meditation.

Why should my child meditate?

Children are not spared from everyday stresses, contrary to what one might think. They experience many changes and emotions throughout their school year. And if they don't complain, their behavior sometimes seems to say otherwise. 

Their ability to adapt is also often challenged at school and in everyday life. Faced with the various changes that can occur in their lives, meditation is an answer for more serenity. 

Meditation undeniably brings about an improvement in your child's behavior, in addition to many other benefits.

6 benefits of meditation for children

What are the benefits of meditation for children?

The benefits of guided meditation for children, as well as adults, are numerous:

  • During meditation, energy flows more easily through the body and brain, lowering blood pressure and regulating the nervous system;
  • It allows a natural learning of a good management of its stress and its emotions while improving its concentration;
  • an increase in self-confidence;
  • a strengthening of the immune system;
  • a decrease in muscular and mental stress;
  • a better listening quality.

Suggest meditation to your child, as there are multiple benefits to it. 

"Meditation is a shower inside the self so that the outside can take care of itself."

Parents' testimonies report similar facts

Outside the laboratory, many parents report observed benefits of early meditation. In Vienna, Heather Maurer, who was introduced to Transcendental Meditation, guides her 9-year-old daughter Daisy through various visualization techniques and focused breathing exercises three nights a week. Her daughter is now much more able to regulate her emotions herself, which is a sign of improved cognitive control. Her mother relates:

" When Daisy is upset,

she will sit and focus on her breathing until she is centered."

Outside the laboratory, many parents report observed benefits of early meditation. In Vienna, Heather Maurer, who was introduced to Transcendental Meditation, guides her 9-year-old daughter Daisy through various visualization techniques and focused breathing exercises three nights a week. Her daughter is now much more able to regulate her emotions herself, which is a sign of improved cognitive control. Her mother relates:

" When Daisy is upset,

she will sit and focus on her breathing until she is centered."


Amanda Simmons, a mother who runs her own meditation practice in Los Angeles, has seen similar improvements with her 11-year-old son, Jacob, who is on the autism spectrum, has ADHD, he is also bipolar. Simmons says many of his symptoms have diminished since her son began daily meditation and chanting mantras six months ago. She says THAT:


"Meditation seems to act as a "hard reboot" for his brain, almost instantly, mood swings subside or anger diminish.

This mother believes that meditation has allowed her son to take lower doses of Risperdal, an antipsychotic drug used to treat bipolar disorder."

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