Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

The "C" spine in Pilates

"Good posture helps to maintain healthy joints and spine, as well as providing an energetic and youthful look". 


The "C" spine, a term used in Pilates. What is it for?

The C-spine allows the spine to be articulated vertebra by vertebra. It therefore relieves back pain:


Pilates is based on a few fundamental principles that are essential to its mastery. As it approaches the body as an inseparable whole, it corrects asymmetries and weaknesses . It is therefore an excellent rehabilitation technique for accidents involving the back, knees, hips and shoulders and for trauma resulting from repetitive strain. Pilates restores a balance of strength and flexibility to the body, and to the spine in particular, which helps to prevent further injury.


It is not uncommon for doctors and physiotherapists to recommend Pilates to their clients following low back pain or herniated lumbar disc problems. In addition to relieving pain, Pilates transforms the body by toning the deep muscles to prevent recurrence of lumbar blockage and reduce the symptoms associated with herniated discs. A look at this practice that is not just for women!


This "C" shape allows the spine to fan out like a fan in order to relax the back on the multifidus which are located along the spine.

To form this "C", we need to contract our abdominal muscles and point them towards our back.

The "C" spine is very often required in the different movements in Pilates Mat (floor).

For example, in exercises like The Rolling Like a Ball and also like The Spine Stretch ), The Roll Up The Seal , The Roll Over, The Push Up.


In Refomer, the exercises that require the "C" column are :

- The Elephant and the Stork in the Long Stretch Series,

- The Round Back in the Short Box Series,

- The Tree, the Full Tree and the Side tree in the Short Box series.

- The Round back in the Stomach Massage Series

- The Round in the Knee Stretch Series


In Wunda Chair, the exercises are as follows:

- The Standing Cat in the Standing Cat Level 1 series;

- The Arms Straight in the Waherwoman Level 1 series,

- The Forwars Twist in the Mermaid Seated Level 2 series;

- The Kneeling Cat Forward in the Kneeling Cat Level 2 series,

- The Standing Cat Forward in the Standing Cat Level 2 series;

- The Arm Press in the Standing Washerwoman Level 2 series,

- The Straight Arms in the series Kneeling Washerwoman Level 2,

- The Oblique in the series Kneeling Washerwoman Level 2,

- The Spine Stretch Sitting in the Spine Stretch Forward Level series -;

- The Forward in the Pull Ups Level 3 series,

- The Oblique in the Pull Ups Level 3 series,

- The Kneeling Cat Oblique in the Kneeling Cat Level 3 series,

- The Single Arm Stretch in the Standing Cat Level 3 series,

- The Oblique Straight Arms in the Standing Washerwoman Level 3 series,

- The Single Leg Behind in the Pull Ups Level 4 series,

- The Kneeling Alternate Arms in the Washerwoman Level $ series,

- The Single Arm Facing Side in the Washerwoman Leel 4 series,

- The High Running in the Pull Ups Level 5 series,

- The Single Leg Side in the Pull Ups Level 5 series,

- The Forward in the Tendon Stretch Level 5 series,

- The Single Leg in the Tendon Stretch Level 5 series,

- The Horse Back with "C" Curve in the Horse Back Level 5 series


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