Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

The muscles of respiration

The inspiratory and expiratory muscles


1 - The inspiratory muscles

- Sterno-cleïdo masloídien,

- Scalenes,

- Small and large pectoral,

- External intercostals,


Diaphragm (The diaphragm is a musculo-tendinous partition that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity).


2 - The expiratory muscles

- Internal intercostals,

- The rectus abdominis,

- Internal and external obliques,

- The transverse abdominis.


3 - The inner muscle layers

- Serratus anterior and posterior,

- The rectus abdominis.


4 -The outer muscle layers

*- The pectorals,

- Small and large obliques


5 - The muscles of the thorax

- Costal region,

- Intercostals,

- Supracostals,

- Infracostals,

- The sternum




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