Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Creating and inventing new exercises is a real pleasure and an end in itself!

"The acquisition and enjoyment of physical well-being, mental and spiritual peace, are priceless assets to those who possess them...If there is anyone so fortunate today."

Joseph Pilates


In my job, I teach people to adopt the right posture in order to feel good in their daily lives. It's a daily challenge!'ç

In each class I emphasise proper posture (self-expansion) and breathing:

The 2 key principles to be able to execute the movements in the best way.

Of course, concentration and abdominal connection are natural!

Pilates is primarily abdominal. Breathing in and out is abdominal. Om will look for his transverse by entering his lower abdomen to the maximum (the navel going towards the spine). 

All the abdominal muscles are used. The transverse, the obliques and the rectus.

I have to make people want to go out of their comfort zone both by my attitude (my voice and the thread) and by the diversity and complexity of the exercises.

My passion for this job is also creation. Creating, inventing new exercises.

To get to the core of oneself through motivation and also through experience in the profession,

It's a daily job! The coach must always surpass himself, get out of his comfort zone.

It should be a role model for those attending a course.

To give the desire to come back to each session in this state of mind.

This motivation is therefore reciprocal. Each one of them alarms the other with this desire to go further and further, to challenge themselves!


My passion is universal! It has no limits and no boundaries!









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