Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

The benefits of lumbopelvic stabilisation

Joseph Pilates quote: A body free of tension and fatigue allows you to face all the complexities of life.

- Increased stability of the trunk.

- Preserves the natural curves of the spine, especially in the lumbar region, allowing the abdominal muscles to contract properly during the movement, and at the same time providing better protection for the lower back.

- Reduction of excessive tension in muscles, ligaments and joints, thus avoiding injuries such as sciatica and herniated discs.....

- Increased abdominal strength, which will therefore act optimally as a support for the lumbar area.

- Release of stress in the lumbar area during flexion-extension movements of the trunk.

Our lumbar spine maintains its natural curve, allowing control over the possible impacts we experience in our daily lives such as walking, jumping, running...and the proper distribution of forces.

- Let's learn how to position our spine properly so that we can work in all positions in a balanced way and avoid injuries.

- Re-education of the muscles that support and stabilise the sp ine while the arms and legs perform work, facilitating the learning of the dissociation principle.

- Facilitates postural and functional alignment of the spine to its natural position, while performing movements more safely.

- Allows an optimal reorganization of our body, which allows us to leave our comfort zone in order to correct our bad postures.

- Rebalance and correctly align the body, significantly reducing or even eliminating back pain

Facilitates abdominal contraction of the transversus abdominis, diaphragm, multifidi (muscles along the spine) and pelvic floor muscles . This contributes to the stability of the lumbopelvic region, significantly improving our alignment and strengthening our posture.

- The lumbar spine, which better absorbs the forces of pressure on the spinal discs, is homogeneous over its entire surface.



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