Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Blog - Page 17

Pilates for everyone. What is it for?

10 Nov 2019

For athletes
Pilates is a great tool for improving flexibility, balance and strength. It also raises awareness of the importance of good posture and posture training.

Specific Pilates terms

09 Nov 2019

Pilates requires a specific language.
Chin towards the chest
Concerning alignment in particular. When you are lying on the floor, you must point your chin towards the chest.

The Pilates dictionary

08 Nov 2019

PART 1Just as any word can be broken down into letters, all Pilates exercises can be broken down into parts. The Pilates dictionary is my way of facilitating the process of...

Pilates, a complete discipline to be in shape from 5 to 99 years old.

05 Nov 2019

Everything is said in this video. Thank you!

The Saw Level 1

17 Oct 2019

Often, tight back muscles and chest immobility are related to similar tensions in the legs. The saw exercise opens the back and hips while stretching the hamstrings.

Pilates - Breathing and Centering

17 Oct 2019

The Pilates method aims to strengthen the core muscles (deep muscles), lengthen the spine (self-expansion), develop muscle tone and increase co-awareness.

Pilates - Focus and precision

17 Oct 2019

Concentration is paramount during a Pilates session. The mind and body are one.
The exercises are designed to be performed with concentration. There are no breaks or interruptions.

Pilates - Control and Fluidity

17 Oct 2019

Fluidity of movement.
The purpose of Pilates exercises is to allow the body to move freely without tension, with control and precision. This method promotes the flow of the body...


15 Oct 2019

This exercise challenges control and coordination. Strengthens the abdominal muscles and hip adductors.
There are 8 muscles involved:
- Shoulder stabilisers,
- Extensors and...


15 Oct 2019

A video explaining the main function of the iliopsoas or psoas iliacus

Pilates will naturally lead you to performance.

08 Oct 2019

Pilates is a gentle method - Importance of body placement. Always be in alignment. Self-expanding - Importance of deep breathing (so-called "thoracic breathing").

Pilates and expectant mothers!

07 Oct 2019
Pour les futures mamans qui souhaitent savoir quel sport pratiquer pendant leur grossesse. 

Displaying 193-204 of 208 articles

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