Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Pilates - Focus and precision

Concentration is is essential during a Pilates session. The mind and body are one. 

The exercises are designed to be performed with concentration. There are no pauses or interruptions during the execution of a movement in Pilates.

Concentration means control of movement. It is essential in Pilates. The floor exercises are based on the resistance created by the body weight and gravity. 

Controlling your muscles, your posture and your speed of movement will help you achieve positive results and ensure your protection.

By assimilating the principle of movement control, your muscles stay strong and lengthened throughout the movement, which helps to reduce muscle mass in the process. In this way, you encourage your body to use smaller 'helper' muscles, called synergist muscles - these muscles help your muscles work in harmony. They are the key They help you develop coordination and balance throughout the movement.

Precision is a combination of movement control and spatial awareness.

The beginning and end of each movement is crucial. Each exercise requires precise body posture throughout the movement. Being precise will help you get the most out of your session while making each exercise your own. 

Precision will allow you tocontinually improve your technique. Concentrate on the wonderful stretching sensation you will feel from the centre of your body and make sure you perform the exercises slowly and gently. Doing violence to your body is completely contrary to the deep principles of Pilates.

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