Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Pilates - Control and Fluidity

The fluidity of movement.

The purpose of Pilates exercises is to allow the body to move freely without tension, with control and precision. This method promotes flexibility of joints and muscles. To teach the body to move and stretch in a uniform rhythm. Balanced movements that are performed smoothly integrate with the nervous system, muscles and joints.

This causes the body to move in an even and dynamic way. 


Control (Pilates or Contrology)  

The Pilates method requires perfect control of the body by the mind. The mind must be in control of the situation at all times.

 The movements are so well controlled that the risk of injury is eliminated. And so, (this is the great goal, the ultimate intention) your whole body is conditioned to behave in this way afterwards, in everyday life, for whatever reason. 

In other words, it becomes FUNCTIONAL. Pilates becomes a training for life, to live and function better, just as serious Olympic training prepares the athlete for competition.

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