Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Pilates - Breathing and Centering

Pilates aims to strengthen the core muscles (deep muscles), lengthen the spine (self-expansion), develop muscle tone and increase body awareness. Body and mind are at the heart of this method. 

The Pilates method is based on 6 principles:

- Breathing,

- Focus,

- Centering,

- Control,

- Precision,

- Fluidity.

When you start Pilates, you learn the first 3 principles and as you go along, you learn the other 3 principles. 

Breathing control is a fundamental aspect of the Pilate method. This distinguishes it from other forms of exercise. 

Consistent deep breathing is essential for fluidity of movement, muscle balance and overall health.

Centering is used throughout the session. Pulling in the belly is a great way to get your deep abs into action. These deep abdominals (The Abdominal Corset) are the key to finding your centre and ensuring stability in every exercise. 

Once your centre is activated, you can execute every movement with dynamism, control and precision.



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