Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

The Pelvic Belt/Pelvis in Pilates

In Pilates we give a lot of importance to the pelvic girdle linked to the abdominal centre (Power House or Core) where we need to work on stability . One of the things that Joseph Pilates emphasises is that if the spine is misaligned, it is because of the position of the pelvis and the muscles around it.

This is why lumbopelvic stability work is an essence of the Pilates Method.

During the classes, we constantly talk about the pelvis (its placement), the illiac crests, the pubis, the isquios... as anatomical references to help the client to place himself correctly.


What is meant by the Pelvic Belt?

It is important to be able to visualise your pelvis in a clear and simple way and to be convinced that you have a deeper perception of this part of your body, and that it is a wonderful tool to understand its movement and functionality.


The pelvic girdle forms the base of the torso and is divided into two parts. The greater pelvis or false pelvis, which corresponds to the wider upper part where the abdominal organs are located. And the lesser pelvis or true pelvis, which corresponds to the narrower lower part, where the bladder, the genitals and the end of the bowel are located.

The main function of the pelvic girdle is to bring the lower extremities of the torso together while transferring the weight of the upper body to these extremities. It also supports the visceral organs, muscle tendons and fascia, which make up the pelvic diaphragm or pelvic floor, whose muscles play a very important role in pelvic stability.

One of the functions of the pelvis that should not be neglected is the balance of the spine in order to maintain a correct alignment and stabilization of our central somatic segmentation, because any dysfunction of the pelvis will inevitably have an impact on our spine. 

With Pilates, we learn to be constantly well aligned (self-expanding) so that we can work on all positions in balance and avoid injury.

The entire body structure depends on the axial skeleton, through the very strong ligaments that serve as reinforcement and ensure the stabilisation of the pelvic joints.





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