Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Physical and mental benefits of Pilates

1 - At the physical level

 - Increased flexibility,

- Increased elasticity,

- Improved agility,

- Increase in functional strength,

Improvement of physical health,

- Improved physical recovery from injuries,

- Reduction of injuries,

- Increased proprioception,

- Improved balance,

- Breathing control,

*- Improvement of posture,

- Reduction of joint pain, muscle overload and joint inflammation.


2 - At the mental level

- Improved mental health,

- Improved self-esteem,

- Stress reduction,

- Improved sleep,

- Improved sexuality,

- Improved ability to concentrate,

- Improvement of punctual attention.




Latest articles

Impact of meditation (3mn -11mn-22mn-31mn-62mn-2h30)

Does meditation slow down the aging process?

Meditation and creative minds (David Lynch)

Implementation & referencing Simplébo
