Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

What does Tangram meditation bring?

Tangram meditation allows you to regain awareness of the normal state and, through regular practice, to settle into it permanently. In this normal, calm and peaceful state, the ego finds its place. It no longer behaves as an all-powerful hegemonic authority generating thoughts or actions based on maladjusted habits. On the contrary! Through his practice, the meditator prepares himself to respond with a new and relevant perspective to the new situations of his daily life. He learns to know himself better, to become intimate with himself and to become aware of what surrounds him. As a result, he distances himself from his ego, reconsiders its position, and harmonises with a whole of which he is part and of which he is no longer the centre. By meditating, the ego will integrate perfectly with its surroundings. The benefits, immediately, will be felt. The meditator will gain more freedom in his daily life and will significantly reduce his suffering.

Christophe Lorreyte - Book "Learn to meditate at last with the Tangram practice

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