Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Meditation - Page 2

Zen history: hell and heaven

21 May 2022

Excerpt from Christophe Lorreyte's book - Learn to meditate with the Tangram practice.
This reminds me of a little Japanese Zen story that is attributed to Hakuin (an 18th century Zen monk).

The three steps to living a life of your own

21 May 2022

Article by Christophe Lorreyte, Tangram Meditation Coach & Chinese Medicine Doctor.
Some time ago, while I was deep in thought, I thought of a text by Nietzsche...

Meditation and false beliefs

21 May 2022

Article by Christophe Lorreyte, Tangram Meditation Coach & Physician (Chinese Medicine)

1. Meditation and false beliefs

Whether you have been meditating for a long time or are a beginner, I know how to help you.

What does the Tangram meditation practice teach us?

15 May 2022

The practice of Tangram meditation teaches us to :
- Accept reality as it is and adapt to the situation whatever it may be.
- It places us before our responsibilities.
- ...

What is the Tangram Meditation Spirit?

15 May 2022

Cultivate the mind of meditation as you cultivate your garden!
If being aware of the awakening and living in the calm are the consequences of the practice, seeking them on the other hand will leave you without the...

What does Tangram meditation bring?

08 May 2022

Tangram meditation allows one to regain awareness of the normal state and, through regular practice, to settle into it on a long-term basis. In this normal, calm and peaceful state, the ego finds its place....

Tangram meditation postures

08 May 2022

"If the lotus posture is the red thread of meditation, the act of meditation does not exclude other forms of postures. Firstly, because few people are able to do it right away...

Displaying 13-19 of 19 articles

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