Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Video - Pilates Reformer - Short Box Series - The tree

Pilates Reformer - Short Box Series - The Tree


The objectives

- Scapular stabilisation

- Axial elongation

- Flexibility of the spine


The benefits:

- Strengthening the Power House (abdominal muscles)

- Establishment of the scapular belt

- Flexibility of the spine

- Improves coordination

- Leg stretching



- Maintain pelvic position

- Push the pelvis back towards the leg at the start of the descent

- Slide the shoulder blades towards the lower back. Connect them together

- Activating the foot on the Reformer

- Alignment of the head throughout the movement

- To make the tree, keep the leg stretched vertically

- Stretching the leg without hypertension of the knee

- Keeping the arms active

- On the way up, you have to be on the isqions and have the scarum on the bos on the way down.



- Disc, Iinguinal and Abdominal Hernias

- Osteoporosis

- Pregnant women, only preparatory movements

- Lesions or pathologies of the shoulders

- Be careful with knee problems

- Diastasis of the rectus. 


Sitting on the box. One foot flexed in the strap, leg extended. The other leg bent towards the chest. Hands below the knee, neutral spine (do not arch lumbar). Head aligned with spine. On the inhale, engage the core (abdominals) and expand the tailbone at the top of the skull. Stretch the leg, toe in on the exhale (3 times) and inhale as you bend the knee. Inhale with toe in and exhale with flexed foot (3 times). Inhale with the foot flexed, bringing the hands to the ankle, arms outstretched. Exhale with abdomen in and back rounded while leaning back. Head aligned with spine. Inhale, engaging the core (abdominals) while stabilizing the body. Exhale, further connecting the core (abdominals) as you return to the starting position. Keep the spine in a "C" shape. Switch legs.

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