Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Video - Pilates Reformer - Short Box Series - Side Sit Up's

Pilates Reformer - Short Box Series - Sid Sit Up's



Stabilization of the 2 Power Houses (central and lateral abdominals)

- Control and strengthening of the obliques


The benefits :

- Improves oblique strength

- Improves the stabilisation of the bust in movement and against gravity. 

- Improves coordination

- Improves the lateral flexibility of the spine.



Keep the spine and pelvis neutral,

- Maintain the 2nd Power House (abs)

- Elbows apart throughout the exercise.



- Herniated discs, inguinal and lumbar

- Be careful with osteoporosis.

- Pregnant women


Sitting on the box. One foot flexed in the strap, leg extended. The other leg bent over the box, the foot of this leg under the thigh of the stretched leg. Hands resting on the occipital area (above the ears). Elbows open on either side of the head. Head aligned with spine. On the inhale, engage the core (abdominals), bend sideways bringing the forearm over the headrest and on the exhale, stretch the other arm further into the core (abdominals - Ab Scoop). On the inhale, connect the core (abdominals) and point the torso towards the Reformer while bringing one arm after the other to each side of the Reformer. On the exhale, further engage the core (abdominals), rest the forearm on the headrest, hand at the occipital (above the ears). On the inhale, connect the core (abdominals) and point the other hand at the occipital. Elbows open. On the exhale, further engage the centre (abdominals - Ab Scoop) and rise to the starting position keeping the head in line with the spine and elbows open. Switch legs. 6 to 10 times on each side.


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