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Meditation, a crutch for autism

Contact AB Autisme Narbonne

Autism is not a psychiatric illness, it is a behavioral disorder.
Autism cannot be cured, it can be lived with
This disorder manifests itself in the first years of life, resulting in serious difficulties in communication, learning, and adapting to daily life.
We know that the person with autism is not refusing to communicate but is having difficulty establishing an exchange according to our modalities. This handicap is not the result of the parents' attitude or education

Spontaneous learning is difficult, resulting in a partial or total inability to make sense of the world around them. It is vital for people with autism to learn our social codes.

One of the first places to learn this social life is the SCHOOL

The autistic person, whatever his age, can evolve favorably if his care is adapted to his handicap...

Reduction of symptoms related to autism

- limit the withdrawal into one's world,

- build self-esteem,

- help them calm their emotions 

- facilitate their motor skills, 

- to bring them relaxation and vitality,

- manage their anxieties,

- be more autonomous.

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