Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Enso and emptiness, an invitation to meditation.

I am delighted to ask you this question, because how can we talk about Enso without talking about the concept of emptiness?

Let's take a closer look. Enso is often associated with emptiness in a reciprocal relationship:

Enso is the void and the void is Enso.

In fact, the Enso is no more a form than a void. Yes, because the void surrounds it... but the Enso also surrounds the void.

And if this is important, it is because the notion of emptiness is fundamental when we walk the path of mediation. And this is because from emptiness comes creation.

Let me explain with a simple example:

When your head is full, your brain tries to put things in order. It tries to analyse, to sort out information, to classify and especially to solve problems.

So you are overwhelmed by the processing of information, you go from one idea to another, from one hypothesis to another.

And if you don't do anything to calm this mental chaos... But instead, you add information by creating endless scenarios and hypotheses, you will end up blocking your potential to make choices... and you will no longer be in action.

Now, let's relate this to your washing machine (yes, you can).

When you want to wash clothes, you never fill your washing machine completely, do you? You leave a gap in it so that the detergent and water can seep into all the fibres of your clothes.

Well, it's exactly the same with our heads: it's important to leave room in them, and certainly not to put all the information in them at once.

(This is what meditation practice is all about, among other things)

So the solution is: leave some space, because from this space will spring solutions, creations and actions.

For, as the Buddhists believe, from emptiness comes form.

This notion of emptiness is the key, because it is the nature of all creation, of all things. And the practice of meditation allows us to grasp this emptiness.

(By the way, emptiness is different from "emptiness" in that emptiness is fullness, but I'll let you go back to your old meditation breaks to deepen this subject)

So much for the reminder of the notion of emptiness. But before going on, one last point is necessary:

It is important to understand that form is not opposed to emptiness, but is one with it.

Article by christophe Lorreyte Tangram Meditation Coach

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