Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Breathing video - How to breathe in Pilates?


"Learn to breathe properly first" Joseph Pilates


Breathing is a very important part of Pilates. Pilates chest breathing is essential to achieve effective results with this method. Control your breathing, both in and out, during the exercises. 

Practicing Pilates allows you to learn a new way of working your breathing during the different movements. Breathing is automatic for survival, we breathe all the time and we do not pay attention to our breathing. However, during the practice of Pilates, we will relearn together how to work our breathing.

Breathing is one of the six fundamental principles of Pilates.

Mastering your breathing allows you to work your deep muscles, to connect your body and your mind and to obtain results more quickly. 

Breathing in and out is an art to be mastered! 

Good breathing oxygenates the blood and improves circulation.

Breathing will help you stay calm and focus on what you are doing.


Breathing takes place in two stages, there is inhalation and exhalation. 

Inhale slowly through the nose, raising the ribs (lateral thoracic breathing) without raising the shoulders. The shoulders remain relaxed, away from the ears. Connect the centre (Power House or Core or abdominals). 

There is breath work with the rib cage. The rib cage inflates and opens in front, on the sides and in the back. You must manage to keep your rib cage in line with your pelvis to avoid moving other parts of the body. The rib cage should act like an accordion 

Exhale through the back of the throat as if to make a mist on a window or make the "ch" sound.

Pull the perineum up towards the navel and dig the belly as if you wanted to " swallow " your navel. The navel moves towards the spine. The ribs are tightened, so close the ribs and slide the shoulder blades towards the pelvis. The breathing should be slow and fluid.




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