Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Reformer Exercises Video - Armwork

A video of Pilates exercises on Reformer - The Armwork - Arm work.



 1 - Up & Down - Lie on your back on the Reformer - Legs in Table Top (knees in line with hips). Head on the headrest so that the head is in line with the spine. Chin directed towards chest. Handles in hands. Arms stretched towards the ceiling.

    On the exhale, connect the centre, open the carriage (Power House or abs) by stretching the arms towards the carriage, Place the palms on the carriage. 

  On the inhale, bring the arms up, closing the carriage while keeping the abdominal connection. Return to the starting position. 8 to 10 times.


Objectives and benefits 


- Strengthening of the arms and stabilisation of the shoulder girdle,

- Learn to control the second Power House (back breathing) in motion 

- Strengthening of the triceps during elbow extension,

- At the same time, by holding the legs in a Table Top position, you strengthen the Core* = abdominal muscles (Ab Scoop) so that the navel touches the spine


The Core or Power House = 

All movement starts from there: the centre of the body. Engaging the deep muscles of the trunk helps to control and stabilise our movements.

It includes the pelvic floor at the bottom, the transversus abdominis at the front and the back muscles at the back.


Attention for the 3 exercises

- Destabilising the second Power House,

- Curl your abdominal muscles,

- Do not hold the position in Table Top,

- The triceps extension exercise - Align wrists, hands and forearms, 

- Circle exercise - Perform a small movement until the client can control the second Power House.


Triceps Press

Lie on your back on the Reformer - Legs in Table top (knees in line with hips). Head on the headrests so that the head is in line with the spine. Chin directed towards the chest.

Handles in hands. Arms stretched towards the ceiling.

 On the exhale, connect the centre and open the trolley (Power House or abs) by stretching the arms towards the trolley, Place the palms on the trolley. 

  On inspiration, bend the elbows to the cart at 90 degrees. 

On the exhale, lower the forearms to the floor and raise them on the inhale (5 times). Return to the starting position by closing the carriage. 3 times


Arms Circles 

Lie on your back on the Reformer - Legs in Table top (knees in line with hips). Head on the headrests so that the head is in line with the spine. Chin directed towards the chest.

Handles in hands. Arms stretched towards the ceiling.

On the inhale, open the cart by connecting the Power House, opening the arms on each side and on the exhale, dig the Power House or Core further by closing the arms. % times

On the inhale, connect the PowerHouse by opening the carriage while lowering the arms forward and on the exhale while keeping the PowerHouse connection, open the arms to the side and return to the starting position. 5 times..comma



- Shoulder pathologies that require a reduction in movement (Calciifications or tedinitis of the shoulder). 


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