Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Pilates exercise videos on Reformer

1st VIDEO - - The Hundred


The Hundred - Lie on the reformer. Head resting on high headrest. Legs in Table Top. Imprint Position - Handles in hands, arms stretched towards ceiling - Connect core (Power House - abs) - Exhale as you stretch legs and arms while lifting shoulders (head aligned with spine). Inhale for 5 as you flap your arms up and down - Connect the core by raising and opening the ribs without raising the shoulders (shoulders away from the ears). Exhale for 5 as you flap your arms up and down - Deepen the core by reaching for the transversus abdominis (the deepest abdominal muscle), with the navel pointing towards the spine. Only the deltoids and abdominals are active, the shoulder girdle is stabilised. The other muscles are passive. Do not move your head. 10 full breaths (100).

Benefits :

- Improves stability and alignment of the trunk,

- Increases the strength of the abdominal muscles,

- Control of breathing,

- Stimulates the circulation and the warming up of the body,

- Control of scapular stabilisation.


Objectives :

- Stabilisation of the trunk, alignment of the joints and further development of breathing.


Attention :

- Destabilising the second Power House (back breathing)

- Letting your head fall off

- Lose the power house (abdominal) strengthening

- Arching the lumbar region


Contraindications :

- For shoulder pathologies such as calcifications, tendonitis, arteriosis, arthritis, the range of motion must be limited.


2nd VIDEO - - The Frog

The Frog - Lie on the Reformer - Head resting on the high headstand - Arms stretched at the side of the body, palms facing the cart. Frog legs - Heels together throughout the movement - Imprint spine - Chin towards chest. On the inhale, connect the centre by opening the ribs on each side (shoulders away from the ears). Stretch the legs forward keeping the heels together. On the exhale, return by digging the centre (abdominals - Ab Scoop) further into the initial position while controlling the movement. 5-10 times.



- Strengthening of the lower body,

- Strengthening of the Power House (Abdominals),

- Alignment and symmetry.



 - Alignment, dissociation and activation of the Power House (Abdominals),


Attention :

- Control the extension of the knees in order to stretch the legs correctly,

- Check the symmetry,

- Do not separate the heels at any time,

- Stabilise the pelvis,

- Releasing the Power House (abs)

- Avoid uncontrolled return of the trolley. The movement must be smooth and constant.


Contraindications :

- Decrease the range of motion of the knees if you have knee pathologies and especially knee prostheses.


3rd VIDEO - - The Circles


Benefits :

- Strengthening of the lower body,

- Strengthening of the Power House (Abdominals),

- Alignment and symmetry.



 - Alignment, dissociation and activation of the Power House (Abdominals),


Attention :

- Do not bulge the abdomen,

- Open the ribs,

- Be symmetrical,

- Avoid overextending the knees.


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