Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Pilates and the benefits of the Magic Circle!

Another tool, the Magic Circle, which is an ally of Pilates!

The benefits it brings :

- Achieve more intensity in the execution of exercises,

- Variation of the exercises by increasing the difficulty, 

- Involves controlling the correct posture of the spine and shoulder girdle,

- Increases instability,

- Stretches the muscles, especially the hamstrings.

- Strengthens the muscles of the arms and back by applying pressure to the hoop,

- Muscle contraction of the legs during certain exercises.


To your Magic Circles so that the Magic works!


"Body and mind must be coordinated, with the aim not only of achieving the maximum result with the minimum mental and physical effort, but also of living as long as possible in good health, leading a fulfilled and happy life.

Joseph Pilates

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