Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Pilates and the benefits of the Foam Roller

In Pilates, anything is possible! 

What are the benefits of the Foam Roller in Pilates?

- Helps to correct mobility problems caused by shortening of muscles, tendons and ligaments,

- Reduces contractures,

- Helps to improve flexibility,

- Works the stabilising muscles,

- Improves blood circulation,

- Excellent training for balance, stretching of the muscles, self-massage technique and stability exercises,

- Facilitates stretching and the release of muscular tension.


 Instability on the Foam Roller is the key to increasing the intensity and complexity of the exercises.

- Strengthening the core muscles and improving posture!


Get your Foam Roller!


" Contrology or Pilates involves total coordination between body and mind. Through Contrology, one first consciously acquires total control of one's body, and then by repeating the exercises as required, one gradually achieves that naturalrhythm and coordination associated with all mental and subconscious activities.

Joseph Pilates, 1945


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