Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Video - Reformer Exercise - The Thigh Stretch

Refomer exercise - The Thigh Stretch


The objectives :

- Stabilisation of the scapular and pelvic girdles - Axial elonation - Strengthening of the leg muscles.


The benefits :

- Strengthening of the Power House /abdominals)

- Stabilisation of the scapular and pelvic girdles

- Strengthening of the leg muscles,

- Improvement of the axial elongation.


Attention :

- Keep the pelvis stable,

Neutral back position - Do not arch your back.

- Alignment of wrists - Do not break them

- Slide the shoulders down the back. Connect the shoulder blades.

- Lengthening the spine

- Do not lift shoulders on return (do not enter shoulders - open rib cage)

- Align the head throughout the movement

- Lean back with your back straight and your weight evenly distributed between your knees.


Contraindications :

- Osteoporosis,

- Knee problems

- Be careful with herniated discs in the lumbar and cervical regions

- Pregnant women - Diastasis of the rectus

- Inguinal and abdominal hernias.


Place your right hand on the right shoulder rest and your left hand on the left shoulder rest. Place one knee and then the other knee on the trolley. Rest the left knee on the left shoulder rest and the right knee on the right shoulder rest. Take the ropes in your hands above the handles. Arms stretched at a 45 degree angle between body and arms. Head aligned with the spine. Neutral position in the back. Do not arch the lumbar region. On the inhale, connect the core (abdominals) - Bend the knees backwards, back straight (neutral position - do not arch the lumbar region - head in line with the spine) while contracting the biceps. Slowly bring the head back, leaning further back depending on your flexibility. On the exhale, engage the core more (Ab Scoop - Abdominals) - Return by contracting the glutes and quadriceps, arms straight, raised about 10 cm above the shoulders. Back straight (do not arch your back) and head in line with your spine. Return to the starting position and raise your tailbone to the skull. 3 to 5 times,

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