Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Video - Reformer Exercise - The Short Spine Massage

Exercise on Reformer - The short Spine Massage


The objectives :

- Articulating the spine


The benefits :

- Increases the flexibility of the lumbar spine

- Increases the strength of the Power House (abdominal) and triceps


Attention :

- Very tall and rigid people

- People with a protruding abdomen

- People with neck problems

- Do not perform the exercise if the person cannot raise the pelvis to lift the legs

- Maintain the tension of the cores throughout the exercise.

- Connect the Power House throughout the exercise.


Contraindicationss :

- Herniated discs in the lumbar and cervical spine, perform the exercise with a small amplitude.


Lie on the Reformer - Head resting on the lowered headrest. Chin towards the chest - Arms at your sides, palms towards the trolley. Take a handle in one hand - open the trolley to put the foot in the large handle. Extend leg and put other foot into handle. Stretch the legs perpendicular to the floor. On the inhale, connect the core (abdominals) and raise the pelvis to a candle. The weight of the body is on the shoulders and not on the neck. On the exhale, stay connected to the centre (abdominals) and bend the legs to the side in a frog shape, heels together, bringing the legs in a frog shape towards the shoulders and gradually uncoil the spine, then stretch the legs to return to the initial position. 4 to 6 times.

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