Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

What is meant by the pelvis being in neutral and engaging the pelvic floor or contracting the perineum?

The pelvic floor consists of a set of muscles located in the lower pelvis. 

Its intervention is a support to the bladder and bowel functions.

What is the role of the Pelvic Floor?

- Holding back the urge to urinate or gas

- A toned and well-muscled pelvic floor helps to prevent urine leakage, especially during pregnancy or after childbirth.

- It plays a very important role in sexuality (more sensations) in women (improved power and endurance) in men for a more fulfilled sexuality.

- In Pilates, it has a primary role inthe stabilisation of the centre of the body (Power House or Core). It is called the Abdominal Corset and the Transverse is a deep abdominal muscle, not a superficial one. The pelvic floor is an ally of the transverse muscle in holding the organs in place and in protecting the back muscles.

I remind you that in order to avoid pressure on the viscera during a Pilates session, you must :


- Self-enlargement,

- Chest breathing,

- Engage the transversus abdominis and pelvic floor.


"Breathing is the first and last thing you do on this earth; learn to breathe first" Joseph Pilates


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