Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Splits in Pilates


Let us not forget that Joseph Pilates was a gymnast. The series of Splits are an essential part of gymnastics.

These exercises primarily require stretching the hips while maintaining the controlled movement of the reformer carriage with these same muscles. This is an active stretch that is created.

With this exercise from the Splits series, the following muscles are exercised:

- Strengthens the hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps, especially the vastus medialis or vastus medialis is a muscle of the anterior thigh, which is located on the inner side of the thigh.

- Advanced knee rehabilitation,

- Stretch the hip flexors,

- Challenges balance, control and alignment of the pelvis,

- Working the abdominal muscles, especially the obliques, the multifidus muscle (or transverse spinous) is the great forgotten one in our rehabilitation rooms. This set of 4 small muscles (long and short rotators, short and long multifidus) plays an important role in the local stability of the spine, in particular together with the transverse abdominis. 

The multi-sided mucle prevents the pelvis from rotating.





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