Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

The Pilates Method in 3 words!

Pilates as a sport?

Yes, it is a physical training method known for being gentle yet highly effective. 


Sport Pilates: shape and form

The exercises allow you to radically improve your figure by toning your muscles.


Pilates is a sport, not a fad

Pilates or Contrology has been around for over a century. Its success is due to the fact that this method refines your silhouette while strengthening your muscles without undergoing any exercise and without injuring yourself. 

Sport Pilates: flexibility and anti-stress


In Pilates you work the muscles in depth and at the same time gain flexibility. You don't need to be flexible like in ballet or yoga for example. 

You will strengthen your weak muscles so that your body will feel good again.


Enjoy ♂️



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