Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Pilates boosts physical and mental performance

I wanted to share my experience with you.

My new goal is to train for rowing.

So I bought a rowing machine.

Every time I row, I do a Pilates session beforehand.

 Why do Pilates before rowing?

The reason is simple:

Pilates enables everyone to perform their daily tasks effortlessly.

As a result, I have more stamina and strength, both physical and mental, to increase my sessions on the rowing machine.

Without the Pilates session beforehand, I train on the rowing machine for 30 minutes.

With the Pilates session beforehand, I increase my time to between 15 and 30 minutes. It all depends on the day.

If you'd like to improve your athletic ability and become more competitive in a particular sport, don't hesitate to contact me on 07 77 89 04 68.

 "A few well thought-out exercises, properly executed in a balanced sequence, will always be worth hours of forced, careless or exaggerated movements". Joseph Pilates


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