Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Control in Pilates!

One of the 6 principles that is fundamental is control! Controlling all the movements of the body. This principle applies to the Pilates exercises themselves, but also to the transitions between them, the way of getting on and off the machines and the total attention to detail when performing the exercises.

Pilates Mat requires this principle of control in order to perform the exercises in the best possible way and with pleasure!

When the body executes the movement slowly, it means that we are controlling the movement, i.e. we are aware of our body and the muscles we are using.

We work our muscles in depth while lengthening them. This means that we contract the eccentric muscles. (Activation of the long and flexible muscles).

Similarly, when we focus on controlling movement, the body will engage the synergistic muscles, which are generally smaller than the main muscles.

When different muscles work together to achieve a single movement, we work in synergy. The whole body develops more balance and coordination. 

In addition, the main muscles will not be exercised with a large range of motion. You should start with a small range of motion and gradually work up to a large range of motion.

When the body learns to move with control, you feel more confident as with any other activity, like skiing on a black run or dancing the tango....

In synergy with the subclavian muscle, the pectoralis minor allows the lowering of the shoulder. It also has a role as an antepulse of the scapula (pulling the scapula forward) and as a medial rotator of the scapula (internal rotation of the scapula). Finally, it is an accessory inspirator (increase in thoracic volume).









all alone. 

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