Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

According to research by The National Institutes of Health, meditating can help kids gain ....

Article by Dorothée Louessard, journalist

According to research conducted by The National Institutes of Health, meditating can help kids gain

▶️better cognitive skills,

▶️a more efficient memory and make progress in math.

Hyperactive children with Attention Deficit Disorder who practice meditation would also be affected by these improvements in math, as revealed by another study published in the journal Mindfulness. Finally, a third study, conducted in Korea, revealed that elementary school students who were introduced to meditation for eight weeks were less likely to be aggressive, anxious and stressed.

Greater cognitive abilities and better management of emotions

A recent research, published in March 2016, validates the previous ones. It concludes that meditation had real effects on the structure and function of the brain, favoring the academic success of children who practiced it regularly. And this is especially true since the brain of small children is still developing and therefore more receptive to the benefits provided by meditation. Thus, a clinical study analyzed the behavioral changes of children and adults enrolled in the same meditation and mindfulness program for 8 weeks. While both children and adults were more attentive and less impulsive as a result of meditation, the improvements in the children's group were much more pronounced than in the adults.

These are enticing findings that could lead parents to start meditation classes for the little ones at home. And here is an excellent pretext to get started as well!

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