Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

Reformer Exercise Video - Rowing Series - From the Chest

Reformer Exercise - Rowing Series -From the Chest 


Objectives :

- Axial elongation - Scapilar and levator stabilisation.

The benefits :

- Hamstring stretch

- Strengthening of the shoulders

- Axial elongation

- Stabilisation of the shoulder girdle.

Attention .

- Separating the ribs and iliac crests 

The iliac crest is the upper part of the coxal bone, or iliac bone. Located in the pelvic girdle (1), it is an even bone consisting of three bones fused together (2):

  • The ilium which forms the upper part of the hip bone.
  • The pubis, which refers to the anterior-inferior part.
  • The ischium, which corresponds to the posterior-inferior part.

- Slide the shoulder blades towards the lower body

- Do not lose the elongation of the spine

- Do not round the lumbar area - Neutral position

- Do not stretch the hands further than the shoulders


Contraindications .

- Shoulder injuries or pathologies . reduced range of motion or stretch and bend only the elbows.


Sitting on the Reformer - Pelvis resting on the shoulder rests - Legs stretched and crossed - Feet pointed. Arms bent on either side of the ribs, handles in hands, palms facing each other. On the inhale, connect the centre (Power House - Abdominals) by raising the ribs without raising the shoulders - stretch the arms to the level of your field of vision. On the exhale, deepen the core or Ab Scoop - stretch the arms towards the ceiling, neutral position in the lumbar region. Do not arch the back. On the inhale, keep the centre connected - open the arms on both sides, On the exhale, engage the centre more or Ab Scoop - bring the arms back to the starting position. 3 to 5 times.

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