Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

The objectives when implementing the fundamentals

In general, the objectives of Pilates exercises are to

1 - Learn to "connect your abs",

2 - Learn to align your head with the spine (no tension in the neck and cervical spine),

3 - Learn to raise the head correctly using the PowerHouse (The centre = abdominal muscles),

4 - Contract the upper abdominals to help support the head during the exercises, which should be kept elevated.

5 - Move the pelvis over the lumbar spine and vice versa.

6 - Optimising the neutral position (natural arch)

7 - Use the abdominal muscles in a small range of motion,

8 - Learn the connection between the shoulders and the trunk and stabilize the shoulder blades with the trunk.

9 - Learn to work from the arm joint (glenohumeral joint) instead of allowing the shoulders to rise towards the ears,

10 - Activate the upper part of the abdominals with the connection of the ribs. Costal breathing,

11 - Learn to stabilise the pelvic girdle and the shoulder girdle during the action of the power house (centre of the body) when moving a leg for example.

12 - Learn to move the legs separately from the pelvis instead of in a rigid block,

13 - Learn stability and control of the hips and pelvis,

14 - Improve hip joint mobility,

15 - Mobilise the spine during rotation,

16 - Activate the obliques as much as possible during flexions and rotations,

17 - Lengthen the lateral muscles of the back and legs,

18 - Learn to move the legs from the power house (centre of the body) and not with the strength of the thigh muscles,

19 - Work on the muscles of the upper third of the back,

20 - Stimulate relaxation and stretching of the large muscles by moving the shoulders away from the ears,

21 - Open the rib cage,

22 - Learn to stabilise the shoulder blades in relation to the ribs. 



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