Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers

The little extra in my Pilates sessions

What is Véro's little extra during the Pilates sessions?


1 - Each session is different, always based on a theme that is the common thread between the coach and the client,

2 - Equipment such as elastic, ball, circle, foam roller, weighted balls and Swiss Ball are used. You can use one piece of equipment as well as two or all of them. 

3 - Each session I add a little extra, my finishing touch, which is to create new exercises. Creativity is paramount as a Pilates coach. Clients also appreciate this creativity. There is never a routine!
4 - The challenge is there for everyone! When you have made Pilates your own, having learned the six principles (Concentration, Breathing, Centre, Precision, Control and Fluidity), you don't suffer the Pilates exercises, on the contrary, you appreciate and enjoy the moment!




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