Meditation & Pilates coach in Béziers


Why do professional athletes practice Pilates?


- The Pilates method is ;

- A body free of tension and fatigue allows one to cope with all the stresses of life, so that professional athletes can train at a high pace without their bodies being strained or fatigued,

- The 6 principles of Pilates are assets for a professional athlete. 

- Breathing (Knowing how to manage one's breathing, especially for cardiovascular sports, is an important asset)

- Concentration (Concentration is the best ally of the professional sportsman, especially during a match or a delicate competition)

- Centre (Abdominals - Abdominal strength, especially deep abdominals in Pilates, builds endurance, flexibility and body alignment

- Precision (All professional sportsmen and women must excel in precision of gesture and movement)

- Control (Being in control in all possible situations - an indispensable ally)

- Fluidity (All professional athletes acquire fluidity once they have mastered precision and control). Elegance of the movement, of the gesture. Ease in difficulty-


Pilates is a complementary activity that all professional athletes can integrate into their training!


"Thanks to my method, health and happiness are no longer theoretical conditions but a reality" Joseph Pilates


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